Tuesday, March 23, 2010

can't stop sewing...

two more recently completed burp cloths...

first successful tutu project!

I really need to take a picture of this actually on a little person...this was pretty easy to make and I think I'll have to make some black and gold ones for this fall.

gifts for montessori auction

I was asked to donate a couple items for my nephew's school
auction so we've got a mizzou set and a floral set...

goodies for michelle

these girlie burpies were commissioned by a friend
to give as gifts, how sweet!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Girlie bib/burp cloth set

Just finished this set for Ms. Amy. She's in town for the True/False movie festival. Can't wait to see her tonight!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

my newest bauble!

My aunt is working on this GORGEOUS necklace for me,
I am so excited to wear it. She is so talented.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

sara's ruffle bum onesie

I made this for baby sara...will be making more in a variety of colors for my etsy shop. Can't wait to see it on sara!

latest additions to etsy shop

The cold weather is granting me much needed time to catch up with my sewing. Below are the latest two additions to my etsy shop...boy's burp cloth set and girl's bib/burp cloth set. I'll be adding more items over the next couple weeks so stay tuned.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

mumma baby requests

I have been receiving requests for mumma baby items in stock, which is great news! Though I do not keep a regular inventory of bibs, burp cloths, hats, blankets, etc., I will be posting new items that are coming available within the next few weeks. I do have a booth at The MarketPlace in Columbia until the end of this month. If there is something in particular you are looking for, please let me know.

Thanks so much and stay warm,